Design Sermon Poster Series

When I teach Graphic Design Senior Capstone Studio, I deliver a weekly Design Sermon for the students. This is a chance for me to talk about things I’ve been thinking on related to design, practice, work, making, rigor, education, and creativity in general. It’s often based on something I myself have or am wrestling with or in response to something I’ve noticed in students over the years.

The Design Sermons are meant to be conversation starters, points for discussions, prompts for curiosity.

For 2020, I decided to design a poster each week to go along with the Design Sermon. Each poster is designed on that theme and done start-to-finish in a week. They are then printed and hung in the studio week by week to build towards graduation when the students will leave school and go out to build a better world.

Self Directed
Audience = Graduating Graphic Design Seniors
Project Type
Large format prints. Programming. 3D modeling.

The Design Sermons are meant to be conversation starters, points for discussions, prompts for curiosity. For 2020, I decided to design a poster each week to go along with the Design Sermon.